Netflix’s Thriller series “Behind Her Eyes” streamed to our homes in 2021 and quickly became a box set binging hit. The show tells the story of ‘Louise’, a single mum who has an affair with ‘David’, her boss, and thereafter builds an unlikely relationship his wife, ‘Adele’.
Shooting took place in 2019, with principal photography taking place in Brighton, London and Scotland. Brighton’s city centre provided three key filming locations for the limited series delighting locals and generating additional income for Brighton and City Council.
Behind Her Eyes – three key filming locations in Brighton
Brighton Station
Brighton’s Victorian Railway station has a variety of interesting areas for filming – from the large concourse and storage areas to retail units and cafés/food kiosks. It features a timber platform, high glass roof, rooftop walkways, ornate details and steel girders. It surrounded by roads and above numerous creepy, abandoned tunnels…
Louise arrives at the station, gets off the train and walks down the platform towards the main exit leading to Queens Road and downhill to the seafront.
Louise arrives at the station, gets off the train and walks down the platform towards the main exit leading to Queens Road and downhill to the seafront.
Brighton Seafront
Brighton’s seafront is home to The Palace Pier, the British Airways i360 Viewing Tower, the Bandstand and remains of the West Pier; all iconic filming locations. The city has multiple beaches running east and west of the city centre with open spaces for filming including a basketball court, parks and gardens.
Louise strolls along the seafront on Marine Parade – she’s seen looking down at her phone as she follows her online map app.
Cosiez Café, Upper St James Street
Brighton’s legendary Lanes host a labyrinth of unusual shops, eateries and concealed public areas providing unusual spaces for filming and photography. Cosiez Café is situated on Upper St James Street. Several scenes were filmed at this location; most feature towards the end of the series. The road was closed for the day for internal and external shots.
Louise can be seen walking along the street, the sea in the background, then standing outside the café watching the customers. Another shot depicts Louise entering the café and meeting the owner ‘Marianne’. Further scenes were filmed with Louise and Marianne sat at a table outside the café talking.
Behind Her Eyes – season 2?
While there aren’t any plans for another season, actress Eve Hewson who plays Adele, hinted to Heart FM she’d love to do a prequel exploring her character’s time spent in Brighton. The city certainly offers filming locations to cover all aspects – beautiful landscapes, new buildings, architectural properties, roads for all settings and multiple beaches.
We recently blogged about Amazon Prime’s My Policeman – also shot in Brighton – and provided a breakdown of some of the locations used throughout the film together with some insider knowledge…
Only 50 miles from London, Brighton provides for a wide range of film productions as well as fashion shoots, stills and photography. Email us if you have an enquiry: