Eagle Squadron Mustang GT

Ford Performance, along with drifting champ Vaughn Gittin Jr. teamed up to create a one-of-a-kind Eagle Squadron Mustang GT to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Royal Air Force for the 2018 Experimental Aircraft Association’s The Gathering fund-raiser and auction on July 26 at the EAA Aviation Center in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Ford came to the iconic Beachy Head in East Sussex for some of the filming for this and Sussex Film Office liaised with East Sussex County Council & Highways to facilitate the filming of the Mustang travelling from West to East on Beachy Head Road, using a stop/go system and holding traffic for up to 2 minute intervals in order for the filming to be carried out. We also worked closely with Natural England to enable Ford to park the Mustang up on the Downland. Check out their blog for more info.