Music Venue

  • Beachfront Club

    Beachfront Club

    Nightclub and live music venue with a daytime terrace and café set on the beachfront of a popular coastal city. A great location for beachside filming.

  • Gothic Style Cathedral

    Gothic Style Cathedral

    This magnificent 940 year old Cathedral is a living church with a spire that dominates the horizon for miles around. Medieval stone carvings sit alongside world famous contemporary works of art. There are a number of additional spaces and buildings within the Cathedral quarter. The Cathedral church is surrounded by a green, and on the…

  • Early 19th Century Georgian Chapel

    Early 19th Century Georgian Chapel

    Built in 1812, the delightfully elegant design of this chapel reflects the importance the evangelical movement placed on sermons and scripture reading rather than communion. Unusually, it was not built as a parish church, but was privately funded and then run by trustees of the evangelical movement of the Church of England. Ministers were largely…