Street Lights
Residential Street With Colourful Houses
Residential street in a popular coastal city. With its colourful terraced houses and close proximity to the train station, this is a great location for city residential filming.
Shop Lined City Road
Located in the heart of a popular coastal city lies this vibrant part-pedestrianised street lined with an eclectic range of shops, eateries, galleries and other businesses. With bursts of colour and individuality, this is a fantastic location for filming and photoshoots.
Green Corridor In Coastal City
Green corridor winding past apartment blocks, the train station, a goods yard and down an embankment to street level. An urban Site of Nature Conservation Interest, this community space is a haven for wildlife, and with its views from the top out over the city, this is a great location for filming and photography.
Parkland, Walkways and Underpass
In the heart of a cathedral city is this area with a combination of open grass spaces, trees, pathways, cycle paths and a decorated underpass. An interesting location for city filming.