Car Parks (in Transport)

  • Multi-Storey Car Park

    Multi-Storey Car Park

    Open topped multi-storey car park located next to a river running through a small city. Great location for urban, gritty filming.

  • Large Car Park

    Large Car Park

    Huge hardstanding area located on a private estate – ideal location for a uni base or industrial style filming.

  • Car Park

    Car Park

    Good size car park off a long country road, surrounded by countryside. A great location for filming or for use as a unit base.

  • Car Park In Forest

    Car Park In Forest

    Large car park located in a forest that is part of a Country Park. Hidden amongst the trees, this is a good location for forest filming and could possibly be used as a unit base.

  • Car Park

    Car Park

    This 54-space car park, surrounded by stone walls and trees, is located in the heart of a historic cathedral city. Ideal for city filming or photography, or as a unit base.

  • Car Park Overlooking The Sea

    Car Park Overlooking The Sea

    Clifftop car park with stunning views out to sea – a great backdrop for filming or location for parking up.

  • Car Park With Stunning Views

    Car Park With Stunning Views

    This car park is situated in the heart of beautiful countryside at the foot of the South Downs National Park. The absolutely stunning views act as a great backdrop and this would make a fantastic location for filming and photo shoots.

  • University Car Park And Grounds

    University Car Park And Grounds

    University grounds comprising car parks, footpaths, bicycle stores, grass areas, trees and hedges, benches, and hardstanding areas.

  • Car Park Unit Base

    Car Park Unit Base

    Car park located across the road form a sports centre. Perfect location for a unit base for a number and variety of vehicles.

  • Cliff Side Car Park

    Cliff Side Car Park

    Car park overlooking the cliffs and out to sea with space for approximately 15 cars. Great as a unit base for filming in the area.