Mermaid’s Curse II
Worthing seafront features in this upcoming horror film.
Squid Game 2 – Pink Guard Takeover!
Worthing is the scene for this Christmas invasion to promote Squid Game 2!
The Death of Bunny Munro
We were thrilled to be involved in the production of this highly anticipated show!
In the Footsteps of Killers S3
Worthing will feature in the upcoming series of this popular true crime show.
Kirstie & Phil’s Love It or List It
Filming for the Channel 4 show took place in Worthing recently.
A Killer Makes A Call
Filming for a new season took place in Brighton and Worthing in September.
Mint Velvet
Mint Velvet chose Worthing pier and seafront for their Autumn/Winter fashion shoot.
Guild Care – Walk With Purpose
Guild Care will be filming at Worthing’s Beach House Grounds on 8th September.
Portsmouth Historic Dockyard’s ‘Race Across the South Coast’
Queen Victoria spotted in Worthing!
Good Neighbours
2 private locations in Worthing feature in this upcoming feature film.